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Hair is the most attractive one which adds beauty to one’s face. Different hairstyles are made for different kinds of faces so that it suits them. Braid is common for many girls which is plaiting of hair, not only for style, it gives comfort also. It is pattern of making hair taking any number of strands usually 2 or three or four and it depends on the type of hairstyle. This braid style of hair is not a new trend, but this was long back may be few thousands of years ago. Various kinds of people belonging to various cultures, tribes, races do this braid to their hair. Not only women, but men who have long hair also follow braiding technique to style their hair.
Feeder braid hairstyles
There are many kinds of hairstyles and grow popularity day by day. The ancient lady Julia, who belong to Rome has talent in making hair, braids which look beautiful with wire frames. At present many new kinds of braids are invented which look more modern and suitable to the face shape and colour. And these amazing feed in braid hairstyle are popular in parts of Africa and they are gaining admiral these days and many videos are made in YouTube so that anyone who is interested can watch those videos and try them. These videos are the tutorials for the beginners by the experts in hair dos and they are having millions of subscribers who follow them for regular updates. There are not one or two videos, but millions of videos are made on the making of these braids. You can choose anyone and can do a trail for your hair.
These lovely, gorgeous and fabulous braid hairstyles are not like normal ones which are plaited long of the hair, but these braids are started from the scalp and they look awesome. These braids became fashion all over the world and if you are a beginner you can first install only two braids alongside of the scalp and slowly try remaining or how many ever you want. These are the crocheted ones, which look like weaving pattern and are giant. These braids look elegant and are suitable for any kind of occasion. This also gives some sort of protection to the scalp and this tradition or whatever is gaining more and more in African American people. They install this braid pattern these days for gorgeous look.
Whatever shade of the hair may be, either it is black, brown or blonde these look great. Once these are braided, they will be difficult to remove and stay longer without any strands of hair coming out. These are stunning and give a sexy look. Don’t get late, go to a stylist and get your beautiful feeder braid done for you!