Back in the day, only those who visited Southeast Asian countries would get the chance to try a native delicacy – bird’s nest. People here believe that the birds’ nests can help with many different kinds of health problems. It is so well-known to Chinese people that not only the locals know about it.
In fact, even those from abroad are looking for ways to purchase unprocessed bird’s nest singapore and try it at home. If you have visited Yummi House online, then you know that this is where you can get the best quality unprocessed bird’s nest from Singapore. If you are planning to buy one, then here are some tips to ensure that you get the best.
What is a Bird’s Nest?
Some people are wondering what a bird’s nest is and why it is such a popular herbal remedy in Asia? Basically, the birds’ nests that are used to make this nutritious soup or simply steamed as a herbal remedy are made of the Swiftlet’s saliva. The Swiftlets create their nests in rocky, and difficult to reach areas. The bird’s saliva are packed with vitamins and minerals, and it tastes surprisingly good too.
They are precious to Southeast Asians because harvesting bird’s nests is not easy. Most of the time, they make their nests in limestone caves and the side of a steep cliff. It’s a dangerous attempt but definitely worth it. However these days, there are now manmade birds’ nest farms to make it a bit for the nests to harvest. Still, the birds are not making it easy for them even at these man made farms.
Identifying Fake Bird’s Nest
In order to meet the high demand for birds’ nests all around the world, some dishonest businesses are making fake nests and selling them as legit. You have to learn how to differentiate a real from a fake birds’ nest.
- Mass-produced artificial nests look a lot like the real ones. The real bird’s nests are always off-white and can be in different shades of that color when compared with each other.
- Smell Test. Raw and dry nests would smell a bit fishy. If it smells like plastic or has no scent at all, then there’s a great chance that it’s probably synthetic.
Take your time to do your research before you buy an unprocessed bird’s nest. You don’t want to spend your money on something that is not genuine. Only buy from a trusted bird’s nest supplier. In fact, don’t look any further because Yummi House has everything that you need.