Roses are red and beautiful and because of this many love and use them for occasions, as gifts and wedding celebrations. The white rose is even more beautiful. Because of its colour, and the general scent all roses give off, it plays a more significant role in weddings of today. You might want to check out white roses bouquet ideas if you want one for your wedding or as a wedding gift.
White roses symbolize innocence, purity, and loyalty which with a white wedding gives off an ambience that should be displayed in all marriages.
The significance of white roses
White roses are usually used at weddings because they represent purity. This makes them a perfect option for bouquets at weddings. Aside from this, they also represent youthfulness, young love, and loyalty. They use this in passing a message to the newlywed on why and what is important in their marriage.
White roses are seen as a way to symbolize a new beginning, a new life, and in a way, they are now being used to represent love, somewhat like the red roses often used.
The reason why you should know the flower’s history before gifting
The colour of the petals of a flower is important when choosing one for a special occasion. Roses come in different colours and thus they represent different emotions. The white roses are often called the traditional flowers for weddings; this gave them the name “bride’s flower”.
You should know the history of a flower before you give it to anyone. As said earlier, the colours of the petals mean different things. Below are the colours of roses, their meanings and uses.
- Red roses: they are the most used during valentines day, hence it is given as a valentines day flower. The colour red represents romance, love, beauty, and perfection. In some cases, it is said that red represents humility.
- Orange roses: the bright, fiery oranges are said to represent life, energy, passion, and excitement. You can give these roses to someone you find irresistible. The softer shades like peach are used to express gratitude or sincerity.
- Pink roses signify admiration and lavender roses show you are enchanted by the person you give it to.
Roses are a perfect way to express your feelings for someone with gestures and without words.